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Family Session, client education Teresa Geraghty Family Session, client education Teresa Geraghty

Are locations that Require a Permit really worth it?

Location scouting is a huge part of my job as a photographer. Over the past ten years, I searched all over the Long Island, NY for places that piqued my interest and would work well for photo sessions. I have plenty of “go to” spots, but I always love exploring new areas. Some of the locations I have discovered over the years do not require permits and those tend to be client favorites. Other locations, do require a fee and some clients do not mind the additional expense.

There are many locations that my clients and I both love that require photography permits. While planning a family session, it can feel annoying to have the added cost of a permit. I thought it would be useful to talk more about photography permits and how we include them in planning your portrait session in St Augustine, Florida.

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